they're all crazy

Sep 10, 2008 17:26

There is an Elvis living on the streets of Portland.  He comes to the church now for lunches two days a week.  I wonder how he's keeping his outfit mostly white?

S submitted a request for a week of vacation time today...starting on Friday.  WTF?  How am I supposed to plan for that 36 hours in advance?  I compromised and gave her two days around the anniversary of her brother's death next week but insisted on two weeks advanced notice in future.

Apparently two tenants moved in with a particular homeowner.  We only knew about one of them.  S tells me she "thought" the one was "unsuitable" for the program.  Turns out that one has been hauled off to jail for assaulting the other tenant. Still haven't heard from the person who let her move in to the house to hear what her side of the story is.  Can't get info from the one in jail...

Yesterday at staff, the ED insisted on making sarcastic comments about certain candidates.  I wanted to ask him what happened to his policy of tolerance and respect for diversity.  I refrained and reminded him that he should remember at the very least that perhaps not everyone in the room shares his political views.  There are a couple of fairly conservative staff members...  Isn't he supposed to be the role model???

Oh, and the EMO voters guide is up at  I am pleased that the board went with a NO on both mandatory sentencing measures rather than caving to a compromised moral position simply to block Mannix.


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