been away for a while

Mar 13, 2008 15:24

In March it seems like I drop out for a bit almost every year.  Life just gets overwhelming.  Colton's birthday, the anniversary of my dad's death, C's birthday, several other birthdays...they just all pile up into a big stress-filled mess at the beginning of the month.  To use a dog training metaphor, I am over threshold and don't deal well.  Add to this, the agility club president jumped in and wanted all sorts of detail on the trial for the end of the summer that I'm supposed to be the chair for and wanted it NOW.  The upshot of it all is that I just shut down for the last two weeks.  I can sympathize with Colton (and Ruben!) in a big way.

My shoulder surgery is scheduled for March 28.  I'm freaking out.

Brin is still not entirely back to being sound.  He's not 'lame' in any way, he's just a bit off in the front and where he hung up his rear leg, I can see he's still stiff.  After all the work I did to secure the veggie part of the garden from his breaking in, he has decided that he doesn't give a damn about where *I* think he should be and is going straight up and over the gate.  It's about a five foot vertical leap.  Yesterday he left some coat on the top of the gate but most days he's clearing it without a trace.  This is probably why he's still 'off'.  I have to make him an appointment with the ortho and just can't get my head around that either.

I really miss my dad.  He wasn't really "here" for a long time before he died, but at least I knew he was physically there and I could go visit.  I didn't visit enough and I feel bad about that.  But now that he's gone, I miss the way I used to talk to him in my head and imagine that he could hear me from 3000 miles away.

My sister called Tuesday morning looking for my mom.  (Mom is in a hotel in while Corvallis sorting out the house she just bought - she's moving up here from New Mexico this spring.  It's a way to force us to live closer to her even though she knows we have to go live in the house in San Jose for a couple years some time soon to realize the investment earnings from the house there.)  The conversation (6:30 am) went approximately like this:

C: Hi.  Is Mom there.
B: Hi.  No she's at the hotel still.  How's it going?
C: I need to talk to her?
B: She's in Corvallis.
C: I thought she was staying with you.  I need to talk to her.  Where is she?  The number she gave me doesn't work.
B: She changed hotels yesterday.  Let me get you the number. (goes to get the number) So how's it going?
C: I need to talk to Mom right away.
B: Here is is (gives the number)  You do know it's 6:30, right?
C: Yeah, but I'm at the bank now and I need to talk to her. (hangs up)

Yup...that was the extent of the conversation.  This is my only sister.  She's 14 months younger than I am.  I haven't talked to her in probably 18 months.  I've sent birthday cards, Christmas letters, presents, etc.  I've called and left messages on holidays and birthdays.  She hasn't called me once.  Mom wonders why we can't get along better.  Beat the heck out of me...but at least *I'm* civil.

My motto...Serenity NOW!


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