Unf*cking believable!

Dec 29, 2007 00:49

A federal judge has delayed the implementation of Oregon's STATE law granting SOME of the same rights to same-sex couples as to married couples.  Mind you, those rights were not federal rights and fell far short of the thousands of rights a 'married' couple who have met hours ago or 'married' for a green card get without having to jump through a single damned hoop.  They don't have to sign a statement saying they are not doing this just for the benefits or that they will notify the 'authorities' the second they no longer live together (yes, straight people can separate and still be married, but gay people have to give up their 'benefits')  Because straight people would never defile the sanctity of marriage in any of these ways, right?  Bullshit.
Oh, and the people who backed the drive that failed to collect enough signatures to block the new laws and then filed this case don't even live in Oregon.

Yes, I'm pissed off.  Tell me how giving me the unassailable right to visit my partner of 23 years in the hospital takes anything away from straight people.  Or how giving my partner the right to continue to live in a residence we have shared after my death will hurt anyone.  There simply isn't anything in this other than hatred.

Link to the Oregonian article is here.

This is just too depressing.

same-sex marriage, politics, rl

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