Colton, office, commute, work, etc. updates

Dec 05, 2007 23:47

Colton seems to be pretty much over his wobbling.  He stopped banging into walls yesterday and his eyes aren't flipping anymore today.  Yay!  Pretty quick recovery for vestibular disorder.  At least compared with the bout Lady had - she was down for a good two weeks.  But then, he was in much better shape before the intestinal infection got to him.

And speaking of that.  I heard from a student who lives in Forest Grove.  His dog and a neighbor's both had the same thing Colton had and had to be hospitalized.  Both are very young dogs!  I also heard from a beardie person in southern CA who had two of hers hospitalized with the same thing.  Scary!  Brin's WBC count was as high as Colton's on the day they had their annual bloodwork done, two days before he stopped eating.  So it looks like it was something going around and Brin's healthier, younger immune system dealt with it better than Colton's.

In an effort to be more positive....

I really like my new office location!  We are in First Baptist Church right downtown.  It's just off the Library MAX stop, but the hike from that stop to the church feels like it is straight uphill.  So I've been hopping in from the PGE Park site instead.  It's a longer hop, but at least it's a gentle downhill slope.  Once I'm walking again, I may actually walk in from Goose Hollow.  Not much is a long walk once you get to the firs tof hte down town type stops on MAX.

Yesterday I had a staff meeting at the central office, so I took the streetcar for the first time.  That was kind of fun.  I like the streetcars!  They are very user friendly.  Unlike the busses where if you are slightly away from the curb, the kneeling feature doesn't help much with getting into them.  Today I took the bus across to NE to my massage therapist.  The massage was wonderful, but the trip back across town to Hillsboro almost undid the good she did with the massage.

There is really good people-watching on MAX.  This evening, a very spaced-out guy who was traveling from downtown to PGE Park with his girlfriend fell asleep and slumped over into my seat.  A young man seemed to feel it was necessary to come to my rescue and save me from the druggie...I could have told him the guy was harmless, just annoying.  But it was nice of him to try to help out.  There are some "regulars" already on my inbound train most days.  It's kind of nice to see familiar faces after just two weeks of commuting by light rail.

The church itself is fabulous!  Everyone who works there has been incredibly friendly and helpful.  The first week we were there, they were having a chamber music concert that weekend so we got to listen to the orchestra rehearse in the sanctuary all week.  Today as I came in, they had just finished putting up the Christmas tree so the whole sanctuary and church hall smelled like evergreen.  There are homeless people who eat there three evenings a week and a street youth ministry, so there are always people coming and going from the basement dining area.  The pastor has been very welcoming.  He wants to fill the rooms that are currently only used on Sundays with programs all days of the week.  We are just the first people to move in.  He wants his church to be a real asset to the downtown area.  It's a refreshing change from so many pastors who just want to minister to those who tithe to their own church.

And finally today, almost a month after our physical move, the phone company finally got our DSL installed.  Finally!

I've been interviewing candidates for the half-time position I have for Washington County.  My top pick isn't sure she can do the job because the salary is so low (I had told her what it would be some time ago) so I'm not sure she'll take it if I offer.  Should find out tomorrow.  My second choice person is in San Francisco at the moment and now won't be moving here until mid-January.  At this rate, that'll be fine *rolls eyes*  Anything to get the position filled with someone I can work with!!!

Still not driving...

This latest breeding, they weren't testing progesterone every day, so I think they missed the two prime days (Sunday and Monday).  But I couldn't have shipped for those two days anyway.  I could have shipped for Saturday implantation though and then the sperm would have been alive and wiggling on Sunday and most likely on Monday.  Oh well, not my mistake although if she misses, Brin will get blamed.  They did implant on Friday and today.  There is still a chance of a litter and it should be a nice one if the swimmers and eggs managed to get together on the edges of their fertile periods.

colton, rl, work, brin

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