Eri: if it's not something, it's something else!

Dec 08, 2011 15:05

Or something like that.

Week 5 - burned a blister into a rear pad and then licked it raw.  Limping.  No League.
Week 6 - turned in the deep sawdust at the end of the barn, I heard a slight pop and when I washed his feet and wrung them out, he shrieked bloody murder.  No sign of trauma, but he was not standing evenly on both front feet and wouldn't let me muck with a toe on his left front.  Borrowed an Italian Greyhound for League.
Week 7 - did a kamikaze tire, hung his rear up so badly that he pulled the whole thing over on his head Monday night.  He's been to the osteopath and we're headed to the chiro this afternoon.  We got sent home from conformation class last night because he was limping on the right rear.  No League.

So much for getting his start line stays fixed at League!  Might take him tonight anyway since my sub is an FEO dog.  I could put Eri in for FEO and only do the stays in front of 4" jumps...  At least I'd have him there 'working'.  He is the first dog I've had that didn't actually care that he was going through equipment rather than up/over/on it.  He's also the first of my dogs to have a problem with staying when told to do so.  This is very odd since he's actually way more laid back than the others!


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