Happy (belated) Birthday, Eri!

Oct 27, 2010 16:36

Eri turned TWO last Wednesday amidst an ongoing mess of work hell and thankyouverymuchi'dliketoquitrlrightnow stuff.  So he got shortchanged on the party front as usual.  However, I did shoot some video on my point-and-shoot camera both the weekend before and the weekend after so he gets his video for his birthday blog post!

Eri is an awesome dog!  I got so lucky when Linda and Debbie chose him for me.  He wasn't at all what I asked for (small, black, high-drive girl), but he's turned out to fit beautifully into our household.  He's laid-back and sweet, easy to live with, undemanding, and incredibly cuddly.  If I have a bad day, he wanders off and comes back to check on me when things look like they might be better.  He's a soft dog without it being a problem - he has recovery skills!  He's very toy driven and couldn't care less about treats unless he's comfortable in a situation or they're REALLY good ones.  He has some truly astounding dog-dog skills that I'm pretty sure I didn't give him enough practice developing to take any credit for, and he's great with people too.

Here he is in all his brown glory practicing his 'moves' with me the weekend before he turned two:

And then from this last weekend, here he is playing with Wren.  He's got the frisbee herding thing down pretty well!

Happy Birthday to my "Mary Poppins Puppy" - practically perfect in every way!


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