obligatory "me too" post about the cold weather

Dec 10, 2009 18:01

It's too damned cold.

If it's going to be this cold, we should at least have snow to make up for the cold.

The grooming area in my garage has frozen up. Literally. Yesterday morning before I left for work, I thawed the outlet hose for the dog bath (goes under the garage door) using the dog dryers and water heated up on the stove. I asked C to put the space heater out there to warm up
the taps in the afternoon because they still pretty stiff by the time I left.

When I got home, it was obvious something had been on waterwise. Apparently, the taps hadn't been turned off (I thought I'd thawed them enough to turn them off before I left) and the bath water had come on once they did thaw. So I left the bath water on trickle overnight to keep the taps from freezing up again, but this morning, the outlet hose and bath itself were once again frozen solid. Tonight I have to go to Coastal to find a safe-ish space heater for the garage that I'll feel mostly OK with leaving on overnight in the grooming area. I may also have to get out the super-duper shop vac and make a concerted effort to remove most of the undercoat cobwebs from the area before I trust myself to leave a space heater on indoors overnight.

I dread going to get the trailer on Saturday. I was supposed to bring it down last month and drain it, but the axle seal going out on the truck stalled that plan and this weekend was the next one available for the task. I'm pretty sure I'll have some plumbing repairs to do on it as well.

OK, we can warm back up and have rain now!


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