just how dense do you think I am?

Oct 06, 2008 17:28

S has been working 7 hour days.  For a while.  My work hours are 10-6:30 so I can avoid traffic (a hold-over from the other site where I had to drive across the river).  So to figure out exactly what was going on I had to come in almost an hour early on random days over the last couple weeks and gather data.  She's been coming in at 9:45 and leaving at 5:30 (7.5 hours) and putting 8 hours on her time cards.  So today I refused to sign her timecard and called her on it.  She claims she thought that was 8 hours and then claimed she thought our policy was that she should get paid for the 1/2 hour lunch.  So I ask you...have you EVER worked someplace that paid you for your lunch hour when you were an hourly employee???  And how the HELL would you get 8 hours out of 7.5 even if you DID get a paid lunch hour?

I mean really!  WTF?

I am NOT amused.  She did catch up on filing the alpha cards - four months after I first commented that she was behind.  She's still not caught up on her files though.  And instead I have a proposal from her to rewrite all the intake forms...NOT what I've told her I need her to be doing.

I do not like managing people.  Dogs are much more honest.


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