another side ; personality info

Jul 08, 2010 02:57

A reverse analysis is when a person or character's traits are described in a format that makes it easier to figure out what their dæmon's form(s) would be. Basically, it's a very thorough run-down of someone's personality.

Keep in mind that there will be references to "emotions" and other things that he... typically doesn't have. Things like that naturally only fully apply when he has a heart.Quick definition of terms:

Dæmon: Animal representation of the core traits of one's personality.
Totem: Spirit guide from which one is meant to learn life lessons from.

Both of these use symbolism and personification to connect people to nature and translate animal traits into people traits.
→ Introversion
→ Control
→ Subtlety
→ Intensity
→ Hierarchy
→ Trust
→ Dæmon: Less charming, less humorous, unhealthy Arctic fox
» The analysis covers general personality points and phrases a lot of things better than I could. These things I will cover in comments to the journal. The following list are more specific things pertaining to Saïx as an individual.

I am eternally grateful to liekos for organizing the teal deer below into pretty code. ♥♥♥

→ Solitary; not unsociable, really, but kind of socially awkward because he doesn’t know what to do with people.

    » Typically not a great conversationalist, but if you get him on the right topic, the boy can talk.

      › When he’s in ramble mode, he can get off his original point a bit. Eventually he’ll run out of steam, and then he has to backtrack to his point.

      › Doesn’t normally have trouble finding the words he wants; actually, there’s something elegant about the way he talks, but when it comes to personal topics, he flounders and gets frustrated. (English/Kingdom Hearts Common is not his first language.)

        - Actually very intelligent and observant; takes in everything, details and big picture, saves it all in his memory, and can calmly pick and choose from this arsenal which weapon is best to use for the desired effect.

    » Prefers to work alone.

      › Can work with others, and though he won’t aggressively pick fights, expect conflict -- or at the very least, tension, unless he’s working with one of His People.

    » Independent; prefers and needs to take care of himself and his own issues -- typically hates being babied, though he’ll accept help (begrudgingly) … usually.

      › When it comes to personal issues, he will close himself off, physically or otherwise, so no one will bother him about it.

        - Needs the space to sort himself out, and the space to think, and the space to be by himself, and to lick his wounds, and…

→ Introvert, and he needs space to recharge after extended amounts of time of being surrounded by people

    » Not sure if His People are allowed to intrude on this alone time because the situation hasn’t come up yet (he is very good at disappearing), but they’re the only ones he would maybe tolerate if not

→ Quiet, aloof, detached, and generally gives off an air of inapproachability -- intimidating without trying to be

    » But underneath the icy calm is a lot of passion. One wouldn’t think it to look at him, but he feels emotions strongly, to the point that they can (and, in the case of the especially powerful emotions such as anger, often does) overwhelm him

      › This doesn’t necessarily lead him to acting on his emotions, though; he doesn’t really know how to handle them, so it isn’t uncommon for him to freeze up

      › After being overwhelmed, he either shuts down and does nothing, closing off entirely, or he acts on impulse, with little restraint and without the typical amount of thought he puts into everything he normally does

      › It’s extremely easy for him to get caught up in his anger, and when overcome by it he acts on it, maliciously, relentlessly, with no mercy, regardless of who it is. This goes for both physical and verbal attacks; whichever fits the circumstances, whichever would hurt more.

        - As a Nobody, this is kind of like an on-off switch for him. He only turns the switch on during a battle where he needs beyond his full strength -- and in doing so, he gathers magic in the air to superpower himself and this creates the berserk effect seen in his limit break

→ So, so much of him is subtle. What he really means when he speaks, the true message behind his tone and body language, the conclusion he wants you to draw from his actions… It’s all there, if you can figure out what he’s driving at. Though he’s often awkward in his social interactions, there’s something elegant and calculated in every little thing he does and says

    » This means he thinks before every time he speaks and moves (except when overwhelmed by emotion)

    » This also means he’s too subtle for his own good, because most of the time, his underlying messages go unnoticed

    » This subtlety carries over to other parts of his behavior:

      › It wouldn’t be a stretch to call him an underhanded manipulative S.O.B., because he is -- not in his eyes, though, of course

        - He has no qualms about hitting below the belt; in fact, he often aims low. Being observant the way he is, he knows just where it hurts most (and if not, he can hazard a few guesses until he finds it), and if it will get the reaction/end result he wants, he’ll rarely hesitate to do it, even to one of His People. It’s not a question of morals to him: The ends justify the means.

        - When he insults you, you know it. It’s clear what he’s saying when he says it, despite his look-down-his-nose-at-you sarcasm

          - He predicts your reactions and plans ahead even in the midst of the conversation. While you’re getting riled up by his sniping, he’ll stay calm and collected, cool as you please. You lunge at him and he’s got you where he wants you, and it only takes a sidestep and a well-placed extended foot and he’s got you tripping and falling headlong into the result he desires.

            - Of course, if he doesn’t get his desired reaction, he’ll try again until it’s clear it won’t work, and then changes tactics, finally abandoning subtlety for blunt, uncensored honesty.

          - This sniping is more than second nature to him; he just does it reflexively, sometimes without being aware of how cruel he’s acting until afterward.

          - No one’s exempt from sniping, not even people he cares about. His intention changes, though; he’ll mean to tease and joke instead of cut down, but he’ll say what he’d normally say if it was a normal snipe… (It’s usually with the people he cares about that he doesn’t realize he’s sniping, and then only maybe sometimes he feels bad about it. … only if they make him feel bad, though.)

→ Territorial and possessive. What’s his is his, though he doesn’t lay claim to much (he can make do with very little, but that “very little” is essential to his stability). Do not try to take what’s his, because that is one of the triggers of his angry, vengeful side. And boy does he hold grudges.

    » His subtlety comes into play here, too. He will rarely come out and declare something his, but he will do little things to mark what’s his and tie it closer to him (these “little things” can often be considered underhanded because of how subtle they are).

    » Don’t encroach on his personal space, either. He gets awkward and irritated if you do this and aren’t one of His People.

→ Can you say “trust issues”?

    » He is automatically cautious. In his experience, people will not accept his core beliefs, so he keeps the most important parts of who he is locked close to his chest until you’ve done something -- usually you won’t know it -- that makes him feel comfortable enough to take the risk

      › All help you if you break his trust after this. His anger and wrath will know no bounds. He may not strike out immediately, but he will be out to get you, have no doubt.

      › Once his trust is earned, though… you may not instantly see a new side of him, but his attitude around you will be more relaxed, and this is when you really see him as almost friendly. He’s always calm, but when he trusts you and is in a good mood, he’s almost… peaceful

        - Once he’s relaxed, you can lure out his other sides -- the hidden ones that are still very much him. Gentle, even playful (well. mischevous) and affectionate, if you can believe it.

      › There are tests, basically, to earn and keep his trust, though he does not set them up (they are very situational) and even he doesn’t realize it’s a test until he finds himself waiting for someone to “make the right decision” or “give the right answer.” These are pretty much sink or swim tests. Sink, and so does his level of trust; swim, and it increases. Simple enough…

→ Control is a Big Deal, especially for Saïx in the "early" stages of his development (aka, when he's taken from canon and hasn't had any outside developments).

    » In the end, everything comes down to this for him.

      › Losing control is one of his triggers. Which is ironic. Losing control makes him lose control... uh.

    » By God, he will have control of every situation he's involved in. He'll at least have control over what happens to him. This is part of why he always has an escape route; if things are falling apart, he can gtfo.

    » This is where it's the most obvious that he's a bully.

      › If you don't go in a direction he wants you to, he will make you go. He will find some way to herd you where he wants you to go, even if he has to pull out all of his arsenal to do so

      › unless he decides you're just not the effort, and in that case, you're in luck; he'll ignore lost causes and people useless to him

      › Failing that... well... He'll try to get rid of you. He'll find some way to get you out of the situation.

        - There's kind of a history of people getting screwed over (anddd even snuffing it) once Saïx decides they're useless... um. Yeah.

→ Getting close to Saïx can be a pain and a half just because he's typically a difficult person to get along with.

    » It is possible, though. It just takes the right person and a lot of perseverance, patience, and time.

      › What's the right kind of person? ... It's hard to say. It all depends on the situation and his mindset, really.

      › If you are the "right kind of person," though, it's possible it'll take less time for him to stop being an outright bitch to you, since he tends to also have chemistry with these people.

    » Once someone passes the level of "tolerance" to "friendship," though... It's not so much a whole new side of him opens up, it's more like he extends to you the privileges he keeps for himself -- His protection, his protectiveness, and his loyalty

      › He looks after His People. This can be an obsession point of his if there's nothing else for him to do wherever he's at, which... just makes things worse when His People get crossed.

        - Saïx makes sure he knows what's going on in their lives so he can protect and support them if necessary, but everything he does (save for his asking His People outright what's going on), all the reconnaissance and observing, is kept under wraps. It's easy to not see him coming.

        - It's actually kind of scary for anyone who tries to cross one of them. It can be a lot like, "Oh hey I'm going to screw with this perso-- HOLY SHIT WHERE DID HE COME FROM?!"

      › Around His People, he actually relaxes. These are the p.eople he's comfortable around, so they're the ones he trusts with all of himself

        - His behavior when he's with His People in private can actually be shocking if someone who knows him otherwise manages to stumble upon it. The ease with which he conducts himself in such situations is completely unseen or unheard of elsewhere.

        - He can even be in a good mood around His People, going so far as being mischievous and teasing.

          - He's, uh. Still not so good at playing nice, though, so his teasing can be rougher than he means for it to be D: He doesn't mean them any harm. The playful bite just winds up being harder than he intends.

      › The safety and happiness of His People comes first and foremost, right up there along with his own. In his mind, they are in some ways an extension of himself; their well-being is his and visa versa, all collectively as a unit. It's... kind of an odd mindset.

        - This is also why Saïx needs to be able to be proud of His People, and he needs to be able to work with them and trust them to follow orders.

→ Surprisingly laid back. For all his control issues and intensity, he's more go-with-the-flow than people realize

    » He is more than willing to sit back and watch events unfold. In fact, in many ways he prefers this, as it's less stressful and less work for him. This way, he can tweak things here and there without having to dictate the whole situation

    » Also not the type to interfere in the personal lives of His People; he'll keep tabs on what's going on, but that's just so he can help when they need it. Oh, he lets them make their own mistakes. He just doesn't allow anyone to mess with them.


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