[The camera clicks on to an inside shot of Our House, where Cecil points the camera at several pans of food. It appears to be mostly lasagna and casserole. Some pots can be seen boiling on the stove.]
It's my opinion that when shit gets tough, people need some good comfort food. [The video cuts out, leaving just audio.]
I made some of my grandparent'
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[That lasagna has her full attention.]
What deck?
[Cecil grins.]
Our House, Deck 8. Hard to miss, it'll remind you of home.
[A few minutes later Grapple bounds through the door.]
Hey, welcome to Our House! [Ever the professional, but he stops after a moment.] You're looks-awesome girl.
[She's hot damn.]
Thanks. You're not so bad yourself.
[She rests a hand on her hip and peers around the restaurant.]
So, where's the food at?
I try not to look like too much of a wreck.
[He steps aside, gesturing to some foil-covered pans, accompanied by plates and forks, and serving utensils.]
You can ladle yourself up, or I can get some for you. I wouldn't mind serving a pretty woman such as yourself.
Hey, you did the cooking, I'll serve it up.
[She grabs a plate and shoots Cecil a quick glance.]
What about you? Hungry or do you not eat your own grub?
I ate earlier - can't help taste testing the goods, you know. A cook that won't eat his own food can't be trusted.
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