It's a new year and time to clean up the verses in my muse journals. Here's Hope's new verse breakdown. Any question? Just ask!
Main Verse:
Location: Journal & Six Word Stories
Tag: Anything Not Tagged Enslaved
Romantic Interest: None
Rundown: Essentially Ithy's canon verse. He's an angel of the Lord who spends a lot of time on Earth granting people discovery. He spends his free time fishing, often with his bare hands and in ways that are most likely dangerous. He is friends with a great deal of humans, but has only granted a gift to
House, who asked for it. He advises most, if not all, his brothers on things. Sometimes, they seek out his advice, sometimes he gives it whether they want to hear it or not.
Enslaved Verse:
Location: Journal & Enslaved Comm & Six Word Stories
HERERomantic Interest:
HouseRundown: After years and years of being a slave, Ithuriel gained his freedom when House gave him back his ring. He currently works at an opera house as a bass singer. He's got his own apartment, his own fish and is fumbling his way through a lot of complicated feelings around House. He hasn't killed a Hunter in a long time, but there is still a lot of anger and caution in him, even around his own brothers. He no longer actively looks out for Mihkel, but he keeps an eye open for trouble.