In dreams I talk with you, In dreams I walk with you, In dreams you're mine ALL THE TIME

Mar 23, 2006 13:13

So I had a dream last nite. Wow heres what I remember. I was in the bathroom in the DM lab and was peeing and Jerry Tartaglia came in and was grabbing onto around my penis or somethign while I was peeing and I missed and went in my pants a lil and went all over and then right after he asked what my thoughts on it were, ebcuase he would get kicekd out of teaching there. I told him it was ok cause my friends and I woudl do the same. But the thing is that Jerry is gay. So I dind't tell him anyhtign and left. Then he started stalking me and following me and was able ot kind of contorl my mind. It got very surreal at this point. He did it to me when I was in te swimming pool and I got away from his mind control and then after class he kind of jsut appeared out of no where by the exit door and I ran abck to the dorms that were dif than albright ones cause mroe floors and bigger areas. I went all the way to the 3rd floor and the set ups had big hallways and not many rooms and I was looking for RA's and found 2 girls and they came down with me and I told them he was following me and tring to get into the dorms and had he has this huge ass thing of ice creams gigantic bucket with cotton candy in it too and he had eatten half or it had melted and was giving to me he said it was for bandit my cat. I dind't take it and left and the rest melted then and there. I ran to this office place where Gary was and Arhcie and next door was this bg reunion of this goth art kids and such and I went to find gary but professor paine was here and I asked him how he was and where and such and siad he had an open rleationship with his wife and that she was teacing here I forget what he was doing. anyways I found Archie and told him and was waiting for Gary and I hid under these couch things but was sticking out. Jerry came in and left and I got out and foundGary inside the reunion party and Jerry came in and I was freaked out. He was tlaking with Arhcie before about me telling the police or somethign or wondering if I did. Then I woke up or can't rememebr any more cause my aunt called.

On a second note I had called chelsea ealier and told her to come to the keystone thign but she dindt get back till later. but she ended up coming and i had a missed call from her but didn't call abck cause no units. I found a message on my windshield that she was there. I really wanted to see ehr and missed her :[ . I had no idea. I dunno when I can see her besides sat now. Grr, I was just tlaking about this.
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