Sep 20, 2009 23:21
Man I am so tired of people. Not a specific person or a specific incident, but just people in general who I've peripherally been aware of for years. This isn't directed at anyone on my friends list or actually anyone with a name I know, probably. I've just noticed this behavior in general, places like memes and RP!S and etc. I want to collect my thoughts on it because, inevitably, it will come up somewhere, sometime, in reference to me.
I've been thinking lately, and it's thought that makes me cranky. It makes me cranky because there seems to be this prevailing feeling on the internet that passive-aggressive behavior is preferable to actual honest and thoughtful response. You're allowed to have an opinion, but if you voice that opinion coherently and to the person it needs to be voiced to, you're bothering people, and you just shouldn't spoil anyone's day in any way. Ever. Even if what they're doing runs a risk of spoiling your day. Making other people's days complicated is something only mean people who are inconsiderate do. Never mind all of this talk of give and take - the best choice, the one that makes you a good person, is the choice that involves never acting honestly and never speaking your mind about a subject.
Let's think about this. Making your mark is hard. Sometimes equilibrium exists somewhere along the line, and sometimes it's a matter of having one apple, and if you want the apple for yourself, you take it before someone else does, because only one person can have it at the end of the day [ apply this as necessary; two people competing for one thing, two people coming to a decision with a yes or no answer, two groups with different interests that conflict, like, I don't know, Arial vs Times New Roman. you can only use one font! ] I'm not saying that a kind person doesn't only take the apple once in a while, but if it's something you really want, you're not doing yourself a favor by giving it up just because you're worried about looking like you're pushy. It isn't about getting what you want always, nobody does, but about picking and choosing your battles.
You're allowed to have them. And who's not right but justified at the end of the battle? Probably the person who had more to lose at the beginning of it. Because there is no right or wrong. Just apple or no apple.
Getting what you want makes you happy. That's the beginning and end of the story. Sometimes it takes stubbornness and sometimes it takes patience, and sometimes no matter which route you take, you're going to fail and not get it. The truly important thing is that when you have a disagreement with someone, the worst thing to do is become uncertain of yourself or let other people shame you into inaction. Inaction is the worst choice of all. Because frustration is the most useless emotion of all. The give and take of life is not maliciousness, as long as sometimes you're giving and sometimes you're taking. Everyone still needs to focus on themselves at some point to be happy.
Not being a doormat does not make you a poor person.
It's called proactivity.
And I can't tell anyone what it is that will make them happy, but I can sure as hell tell them what won't make them happy. And that's keeping their mouths shut about something that concerns them just to try to please everyone, because how dare you ruin a moment of anyone else's enjoyment for the sake of your own.
The internet is so messed up. It's a world full of people who refuse to speak up for themselves when they have an honest point to make and then resent the people who are capable of it.
"The first legislation that I produced relating to the Internet was a bill to overturn a restriction inside of the law that prohibited the Internet backbone from being used for anything other than research and scientific and educational communication." -Rick Boucher
And now I sleep because I haven't in over 48 hours. FML.