Mar 13, 2007 23:15
I just finished re-reading about 170 lines of the Iliad. I still don't know like 90% of the vocab that I should know, but I'm learning more every day. For example, I now know that "κλισιη" means "hut". Very useful, I know. At least the Iliad isn't without it's excitement. I never thought that one day I would rather study for a test in Ancient Greek than in English, but such is my state at the present moment. My other midterm tomorrow: Western Civ II. Biggest piece of bullshit class ever. I don't read dick for the class, and what I do read I find incredibly boring. I don't really care for any history that occurred after, say, the year 1000. This leaves me SOL for Western Civ II. Also, it doesn't help that my prof for the class admits to hating the course, hating to have to teach that course, and that he hates literature in general. Very encouraging. The only redeeming factor in taking his section of Western Civ is that he gives us a study guide for the midterm and the final that contains all of the questions that could potentially show-up on the test. This is a major plus. That way I'm sure to not learn anything that is not immediately useful. Speaking of which, I should probably start studying for that midterm now.
In closing, a fun line from the Iliad that may show-up on my midterm tomorrow:
"αιψα τοι αιμα κελαινον ερωησει περι δουρι."
Your black blood will quickly gush out about my spear.