Aug 12, 2008 18:48
The Intarwubs tell me that MTV is re-making The Rocky Horror Picture Show.
It's just a bad idea to start with, and anybody with two brain cells to rub together could tell you as much. I suppose it's also the company's nice little way of telling people, "Yes, it's a stupid idea - but not as stupid as we think you might be, because we're pretty sure you'll buy it no matter how much it sucks." And they will, of course.
There's a petition coming together at - I signed it, but I'm not holding out much hope. Chances are, the next time I see a Rocky Horror t-shirt it'll be on some kid who doesn't know who the fuck Tim Curry even is. "Oh, wait, was he in Muppet Treasure Island?" Yeah, and the original had Meatloaf, too - you know, the guy from the phone commercials.
It's one thing to redo something like, say, Lost in Space - something that turns out worthless, but who really cares? I kind of doubt anyone out there is shouting Robby the fucking Robot's lines (or silly replacements) at a theater screen on any given Saturday night. I mean, nobody will ever accuse Rocky of being high art, but it's still a huge, iconic movie that doesn't need to be remade. Some movies are just like that. For example, you wouldn't pay $10 to see a half-assed, CGI'd-to-death, written-for-twelve-year-olds remake of Star Wars, would you? OH WAIT.