(no subject)

Jul 16, 2004 11:50

Well, in other news, we had an inservice this morning. Very wet, but the water was a very comfortable temperature. I was paired in Abby's group, and she did suprisingly well for a newbie. Only thing she had trouble with was the head chin splint. Good job, Abz!

I was nice and dry by the end of the session, when we did our usual roleplaying. I was in a very good mood, people were fooling about with me and we were all acting silleh. It was fun. Also, I was GOING to work today but I switched shifts with a very nice Kristen Audet. So now my day is free.

But then Koval pushed me into the pool, and I tried to stop my descent with my legs. The muscles that matter most to a man were stretched slightly, and that hurt. ( See previous post. ) People laughed, which I found NOT funny as I swooned in pain. Regardless, I tried to get Koval back by shoving him in the water, and he put my towel around my neck and pulled me in with him. I had to admit, that was pretty crafty, but I dislike having a wet towel and not being offered one. Then I saw Cathy try and push my towel back in the water as I was walking away to dry off! Can't beleive she did that, fucking.. grr. Anywho. Everyone had a good laugh, even me, but only slightly. Now it hurts to sit down.

I had a fun night last night. Had a little dinner with Jon, watched a little Smallvile with Colin and Co.. the best part was when I went to Barnes and Noble to parouse for comic books. I found this ultimately awesome book called the ULTIMATE GUIDE TO SUPERMAN, a kind of encyclopedia for everything Superman. They only focus on post-crisis (after 1986, esentially the modern) Superman, which is great. Then you don't have to deal with the crappy 1930s-1970s comics, which were elss than stellar, but still classics. Regardless, they listed EVERY comic in order in the back of the book.

One thing bugs me, though. There are several different superman books (Action Comics, Superman, Man of Steel), and I find it odd that the progressive stroyline of the Superman Saga isn't told in just one book. It hops from book to book, which is confusing as hell to me. For example, Superman fighting a four headed monster may be told in Action Comic #437, but it's conclusion is in Superman #205. That makes absolutely no sense to me.

Regardless, the book is stellar. It answered all my questions and more, though anotherthing confused me. I don't remember The Death of Superman being so badly drawn.. I emember it looking very modern indeed when I read it. Perhaps I was reading some crazy special edition? I'm gonna dig through my basement, see if I can find my old comic books.

The best part of the Encylcopedia is the comprehensive history and geography of Krypton. THAT is just... wow. Very cool. Explains what Kryptonite is and such, and lots of fluff that is really good. Another part of the book that bugged me was there was no page about Kryptonite itself. No mention of it's many other variations. Red, Green, Gold, Blue, White, and Silver. They could have explained them a little, it's almost mandatory. If anybody was curious as to what they did..

Green- Drains Superman's powers and slowly kills him. Partially because the radiation of the red sun is absorbed in it (thus neutralizing his powers), partially because this substance is lethal to Krytponians. It is essentially what caused the explosion of the planet Krypton. Kryptonite was formed in the mantle of the core of Krypton, due to a chain reaction from a thermonuclear device that was set off thousands of years prior in a major city by anti-cloning terrorists. Native metals of the crust leaked into the mantle, and the intense hat combined them to form the letahl Kryptonite, slowly killing everyone on the planet and causing the core to expand in size until it exploded.

Red- Green Kryptonite after passing through the radiation of supernova particles, apparently. In pre-criss, the effects of Red K were COMPLETELY random, from as weird as turning him into an ant to as nifty as splitting him into twins. One time it took his powers away temporarily. I'm unsure of the effects it has on Modern Superman, though I remember one instance where he transformed into a giant monster. According to Smallville (the best reincarnation fo Superman so far, in my opinion), it effects his mind and emotions. Still, Red K is random.

Gold- All I know of this is that it can PERMANENTLY take away a Kryptonians yellow sun powers. It was used on some criminal Kryptonian, and I do remember Lois Lane getting Superman's powers from holding Gold Kryptonite near him, but that just might be me. This is created from Green K being bombarded by high ultraviolet radiation, perhaps after flying near the surface of a star.

Blue- Only effects Bizarro Supermen. While Green Kyrptonite kills superman, it makes Bizzaro Supermen stronger, and visa versa with Blue.

White- Only effects plant life. No idea about this one.

Silver- This Kryptonite was fake, made by Pete Ross to celebrate Superman's 50th year. Very funny, Pete.

Well, glad my dorkishness is over.. wow, it's a really good book. That's all you need to know.

Anywho, my whole day is free! People, CALL ME if you wish to do something.

You probably won't, but bleh!

I'm out!
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