Tadah! I made it! A *whole week* of consecutive posts, even if it's all boring twaddle. *g*
I was lazy today and didn't get the Review entirely finished, but it's shaping up nicely, plus Medical Records called and my charts are ready, so I've got a full day in store for tomorrow. I need to get with The Boss and see what deadlines he has in mind for everything, just to be sure I'm in synch with his plans...
I've decided life's been boring lately and I should *do* something with myself, so I've got a list of "self-improvement projects" "self-preoccupation projects". (Not sure how much improvement I'll get out of them, but they should at least keep me distracted for a bit.*g*)
Number One- My Teaching Company courses. Got four of those at the moment. I'm in lesson 8 of "Building Great Sentences: Exploring the Writer’s Craft", then comes "Argumentation: The Study of Eeffective Reasoning", then "Masters of Greek Thought: Plato, Socrates, and Aristotle" and lastly, "Ethics of Aristotle". Whew!(..somehow it looks a whole lot worse when I type it all out like that...Oh well, bit late now *g*)- so that's intellectual stimuli..check!
Number Two- Wednesday/Sunday Choir. I'm making a concerted effort to go more regularly this year, and this one does a couple things. Gets me out of the house and interacting with other people, gets me to do something 'artistic', AND gets me to do something spiritual for myself. 'Religeosity' isn't something I see spoken of much, but I do like my new church. The Pastor has a real gift for giving 'thinking' sermons and not just spouting the same old platitudes you've heard for the last 20-30 years.
I went to church because my Mama made me, I stay because he's worth listening to. *g*
And finally, Numero Tres! Work sponsors a 10-week weight-loss program every year, and I signed up this year. Maybe it will motivate me to loose a few before summer. At the very least it will give me a neutral party keeping me moderately honest about my diet and exercise patterns for a time.
So, what have we got? Intellectual, Musical-Social-Spiritual, Physical. Hey! That looks pretty good!
Now we just need to see how long any of it lasts...*G*
Since we're being vaguely serious here, (and since I enjoy a good serial construction *g*) lets go with Financial!
The Simple Dollar.
I cannot tell you how much I love Trent's site. Really. 'Financial' is probably not the best way to describe it...Lifestyle? ..mmm, Organizational? Personal improvement? Well, yes to all of these! Trust me, it's an anazingly comprehensive site that is *well* worth a look, and once you start digging through all the links and archives, you'll be glad you did.