Why on your main page is there just no "login" option? (Or am I totally blind and missing it?) It logged me out during "maintenance" and now it only gives me the OpenID option (which, no thanks?) or to create a new account. I have an account. A LIVEJOURNAL account. If I wanted to use my facebook or twitter or whateverthefuck I would be using them. But for their intended purpose. Just like I'd like to use my JOURNAL for it's intended purpose. Like seriously? UGH.
(BTdubs, I have found a way to log in, but it's totally roundabout and unnecessary. Hopefully I'm just an idiot who can't find the regular login option. Although, if not, I'm super glad that LJ is making it easier for NON-members of their site to browse and comment. Because really.)
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brin_bailey. Comment wherever using OpenID.