Feb 15, 2008 08:58
If some of you don't hear me bitch about this, consider yourselves lucky. I bitch about this every Friday. I like our receptionist, I really like her. She's my office BFF and she considers me the same, I think. But she has every Friday off so she can go to class. She's in school working on her degree while working full time. But when she's not here someone has to sit at her desk and pretend to be receptionist in addition to their normal work. Which wasn't so bad when I was one of 3 junior level employees, because we used to switch off Fridays, but now I'm the only one. And there is barely enough room for my laptop on her desk...with her monitor and her keyboard...and I really don't like having my computer screen face where the big boss sits because then I can't goof off as much...which you're like "quite your bitching" and I'm like "I'm more productive when I can scan the internet every so often" *shrug*
Still dating the same guy, in case you haven't heard. We're at 1 yr and approximately 1/2.