Oct 14, 2009 21:37
Today was bella's birthday! i woke up way later than i planned for any reason i just woke up at almost eleven and then txt maritza who was somewhat afraid to leave the house since her mom was home gross! so it took me awhile to get ready i gave bella a bath and put her dress on and we were off to la cantera. pets totally aren't allowed but no one told me anything while maritza was eating in the food court and i had her so oh well. haha. a lady tried to pet her at sephora and she growled. she's so protective and somewhat of a booger but it's funny. maritza returned ginny's foundation just so she'd have some money since now she's like broke. so after that we went to the petsmart by school so i could buy bella some stuff for her birthday. i bought her this duck/chicken thing and i thought they were gonna give us something free but nevermind...lame! oh well. after that we went to michael's and took forever cuz maritza was looking for paper and stuff and i wanted to make bella bows for her hair. after that we went to petco by my house so i could get bella some treats. which she really liked. and then we went to my house to chill. i finally finished my dad's cousins' wedding which took like a year. i swear it was annoying. but i finished now its' just decorating the discs and crap. gay. oh well. after that we went to wachovia to talk about student loans and a guy that went to westover was helping us out. before that i had to ask a lady to use the restroom cuz i had to pee super bad. but yeah the guy was nice and really talkative and now he wants his daughter to go to sagu lol. good stuff after that we went to chick fil a and then to biology. we totally missed tutoring once again but who cares we'll go tomorrow. lame lame lame! oh well. and then we went to heb after biology which was completely crazy. i could understand like nothing. and this girl was talking about this skull tattoo she got on her hip...and part of her gina...but the crazy thing was when we went to the restroom and she was showing us. i was like omg! i see a gina! ahahaha. it was crazy i was like alrighty then. then we went to heb and now i am home and my mother is griping about the puppies and wouldn't let me bring bella inside!