Nov 10, 2010 15:07
Okay, so this post is long overdue, but (relatively) a lot has been happening lately!
First off, my birthday was pretty fantastic.* Sean and I slept in, then, while I stayed in bed lounging, Sean went to the store and got things to make me breakfast. When I came out of our room, there were eggs, bacon, toast, and coffee waiting on the table for me underneath a beautiful bouquet of flowers! After a leisurely brunch, Sean and I spent some time with Matt and Leslie, friends from Sean's work who are also about to have a baby (Leslie's due at Thanksgiving); and when I say we spent some time with them, I mean that Sean and Matt went to the park to play frisbee golf while Les and I went baby shopping.
It was fun to get out of the house and spend some time with someone else who's going through this whole pregnancy bit at the same time as me. AND, when we got to Babies R Us, I found all my baby furniture on clearance. At first I was upset because they're no longer listed on my registry, but then I remembered that Mom and Dad had already agreed to take care of the crib and dresser for me. So, I made a quick call to Mom and told her that all my furniture was on super clearance, and the next thing I knew, Mom had picked up Dad (which is pretty huge since she tries to not ever do anything with him any more), drove to BRU in Wichita, and purchased my crib for 50% off as my birthday present. Woo!
After Sean and I regrouped back at the apartment, we had a few hours of quiet cuddly time before heading off to Lawrence for a birthday dinner at Paisano's Italian restaurant with Craig and Sarah. It was sooooo tasty, but I had to make sure not to eat too much, because afterwards we grabbed an ice cream cake from DQ and went back to the Nuthouse Annex for devour-ation of said cake. Tastylicious. Oh yeah! And during cuddle time before dinner, Sean felt the baby kick and move for the first time! (Well, not exactly for the first time, but the very first time Sean was only 60% sure that he felt anything. This time he was 100% sure, and he felt a bunch of movements!) The doctor told us that he probably wouldn't be able to feel the baby until around 27 weeks since my placenta is attached to the front of my uterus, so we were pretty excited that Sean felt the baby at 25 weeks to the day. :)
Sunday, Sean and I borrowed his mom's SUV to go pick up our crib, but when we got there they told us that it's on order and wasn't in yet. So instead of spending the day playing with baby furniture, we went to the library and picked up a do-it-yourself manuel on how to fix washing machines since ours doesn't spin any more. Then, since fixing the washer will be an all-weekend activity, we spent the afternoon reading and knitting on the balcony together, enjoying the beautiful and all-too-fleeting fall weather. Then in the evening we moved around some furniture in the bedroom to accommodate Sean's desk into our room. Hooray for one less thing in the baby's room!
Monday and Tuesday I didn't do a whole lot in the way of anything, other than some little bit of housework. Monday's water aerobics class kicked my butt much more than I thought it had at the time, because I literally slept almost the entire afternoon/evening that day, and then Tuesday I was incredibly sore all day long. But today I'm feeling less sore (I skipped w.a. this morning) and more like getting things done around here, which is a good thing since BRU just called and told me that the crib and dresser are in!
So now I need to finish de-officing the baby room so that there's actually space for the baby in there. This includes moving my printer, my computer, and Sean's laptop to his desk in our room, figuring out how to plug in said technology, emptying out and boxing up all office supplies/etc. in my desk so that I can get rid of my desk, and then super cleaning the room so that we can start moving baby furniture in. My mom also assures me that I need to redecorate the room, because some of the things hanging up in there (read: the elephant head hanging over my desk) will terrify the baby. I'm pretty sure that by the time he will be able to see and respond to said elephant we will be moved into another apartment and it probably won't be in his room any more, but hey, we all know how much I love decorating, so I'll prolly do it anyway.
I get more and more excited about the baby every day. These past couple days it seems like the baby can tell how excited I am, because he's been wiggling and kicking and banging around inside me like he's gonna be the next drummer for Motley Crüe. In fact, last night he kicked me so hard that it moved the arm I was resting on my stomach! Oh yeah, and I suppose we can do away with this "baby" or "Baby Brimer" business since Sean and I have gotten pretty used to calling the baby by his name. So unless something major happens to change our minds, our son will be named Cadogan (Cadigan?) James Brimer. I haven't quite decided on the spelling yet, but yeah. That's his name.
Part of what made the day so wonderful were all the sweet birthday wishes I received via email, facebook, LJ, text message, and snail mail. About a bajillion people in all sent me birthday wishes. It was so great! (Thank you all!)