Update in Brief

Feb 02, 2006 10:06

Well, this year is off to a humdrum start.

In the past 5 weeks, I've:
worked a crappy job (which ends tomorrow!)
read 7 Terry Goodkind books
read 2 Terry Pratchett books
read "The Rule of Four" (book)
learned CSS (this was quite useful, *and* interesting)
maintained a Stargate D20 game even though 2 of the 4 players have had a serious falling out
taken 2 driving lessons, which are going quite well (imo). Still strongly dislike driving, but it's a skill I need at this point

Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis are continuing to kick ass. Quote of the season so far goes to SG-1.

The episode is of the traditional Sci-Fi multiple universe one, with a twist: instead of the guys going to an alternate universe, Alternate SG-1 teams are arriving in this one. By 3/4s the way through the episode, we're told that there are 18 SG-1 teams on base, with a further 54 being refused access. Our SG-1 and an Alternate are going to 'solve the problem', when Colonel Mitchell says:

"Well..... We know they're not from the Evil Twin universe, as they don't have beards"

Cue broken Brian as I was thinking the exact same thing right before he said it.....

Brian likey self-referential humour. :P

Battlestar Galactica: must-see TV.

I am somewhat concerned that my top 3 TV shows are military-related.

So, to summarise: I have read a lot, watched some TV and learned a little.

Am looking forward to microgirl's birthday on Saturday.

tv shows, up my own.....

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