Caesium is an angry little element. It's less angry than Francium, but then again Francium almost never occurs naturally, it's so damn angry.
If ye harken back to your Secondary School science lessons, ye may remember the teacher playing with Magnesium, or Potassium. The teacher played with them as the students mostly weren't allowed to. You put some Potassium in water, and you got popping sounds, as it reacted with the water to realse Hydrogen.
Consider Caesium, so reactive it needs to be stored under oil, or it will react with the water vapour in the air. It reacts *explosively* with *cold* water (anything about -116 degrees centigrade).
Consider 1kilo of Caesium, covered in oil.
Consider said oil-covered-Caesium being placed into a Kettle of water, or a Coffee machine (such as the one found in my current office).
Consider Fairy Liquid.
Consider that soap turns immiscible liquids (such as oil and water) into miscible liquids, allowing them to mix.
Allowing the boiling water to reach the Caesium.
Consider running.
On a completely related note: I hate my job.
I haven't felt this shitty since
March of last year. I'm really really angry right now, and feeling quite morose.
I've been taking an hour for lunch since I started this job back in mid-December. Because everyone else takes an hour for lunch. Additionally, I don't take 'breaks' during the day. I may grab a cup of coffee, or nip to the loo, but nothing that takes more than 5min at a go. Ie I don't smoke.
Yesterday, when I returned from lunch, I was informed that I can't take an hour for lunch. I can have 30min for lunch, and 30min on breaks broken down as I like during the day, but I can't have an hour for lunch. I pointed out that the other people there take an hour for lunch. It was denied.
Today I timed the other guys lunch-break (I like to go last). They all took an hour.
Additionally, I was told today not to read a book between calls.
I'd like to respond to that with "fuck you". It will be quite vehement, quite soon. Oh, this was said to me by the guy who watches movies on the work PC.
The job is (yet again) doable by a chimp. The training is non-existant, which is fair enough as the tools are simple enough. All I do is reroute emails to the department who deals with the problem. Knowing who deals with which problem appears to mostly be an act of intuition. There is no written direction for this, it all relies on asking your co-workers. One of them got short with me when I asked where I find certain files, as in "in x like it always is". Someone is going to get arrested soon, and I have a horrible feeling it'll be me.
So, tomorrow my team leader gets informed that I'm taking an hour for lunch. I will refrain from reading on the clock. I will continue to surf the web, like everyone else. But I won't read a fucking book.
The contract expires on the 20th of this month. I'm going to tell my agency to not pursue an extension. I don't want it. I don't really give a shit how badly I need the money, I don't want this job. If I can't spend my free moments between calls as I want to, I don't want to be here......
Oh, and Caesium isn't commercially available, at least not easily, so no need to worry about that.....
Plus I didn't get the response I wanted to my last entry, so I'm feeling sulky....