This summer:
Philosophy & Literature
Psychology 101
Psyc: Behavioural Disorders
Philosophy of Art
Phil: Biomedical Ethics
Autumn 2009:
Asian Studies/Phil: Foundations of Chinese Thought
Phil: Existentialism
Psych: Cognitive Processes
Phil: Intro to Philosophy of Science
Philosophy in the 17th Century
Spring 2010:
Econ/Phil: History and Philosophy of Economics
Philosophy of Law
Philosophy in the 18th Century
English: Twentieth-Century British and Irish Studies
English: Advanced Composition
May 2010:
Die happy.
I'm *fairly* sure that the above course lists (assuming I get into them all), meet all my remaining requirements. Regardless, I'm also fairly sure that I can tweak the above list to meet my requirements.
If I still needed to do Japanese, it would have added a course to each semester and (frankly) would not be possible.
I'm not excluding the possibility, however, that there is some bizarre requirement in my degree that I do more 100 or 200 level courses. I'm pretty sure that their isn't. I will know on July 9th (when I register for autumn/spring) whether or not the above list fulfills all my requirements.
I think I may need to quit my job at that point. 5 courses is a fairly heavy load, and work just wipes out my will to live/study.