Angry rant (NSFW)

Dec 30, 2008 22:27

So tonight I went out on my own to get some food. I was in Shin-bashi with Aya and Masumi last night, and there seemed to be a lot of food places there, so I figured I`d take the chance of eating on my own there.

In Shin-Bashi, after refusing several offers of a "special massage", I wussed out and went to a `round` sushi bar. Basically, all the food revolves, and the only words I spoke were "more sake please, cold" and "what is this thing wot I`m eating?". Ie no menu to decipher, no conversation with a waiter. Maybe tomorrow.

After the two small bottles of sake, I hit upon a genius plan (of merit! (this was my first clue that I wasn`t entirely sober)): Since all the subways shut down between 11pm and 12pm, I should go *now* to the area near my hotel and find a place to drink, so I only have a short walk home afterwards, and I can stay until the pub shuts.


Only Tokyo FUCKING sucks.

Putting the this shitty `public transit ends randomly between 11 and 12, depending on where you need to go` to one side, the fucking pubs shut at 11pm. 11 motherfucking pm. On a weekday.

"But Brian" sez you "it`s a weekday. Of course it`ll be open more late on the weekend".

Like fuck.

The `Irish Pub` near my place (nearest pub) shuts at fucking 10pm on a Saturday. Ten-fucking-o-fucking-clock. (and doesn`t open at all on sundays or public holidays)

Now, perhaps ye feel I`m overreacting a smidge, and that there are other areas to drink in: no. I`m not, and there isn`t. I tried wandering the streets of Tokyo on Saturday night, and everywhere was shut tighter than a frogs arse. Oh, unless you wanted a prostitute. Or 7-11.

The other reason I`m so pissed: For over a year I`ve listened to Japanese kids in Clubhouse whine about how boring Vancouver is. About how there`s nowhere to go at night time. And that Tokyo is so much better.

I hear that bullshit again, someone is getting slapped across the room. Given all the whining (and there was a lot of whining, I was expecting 2am closedowns. At the least.

Sure, I can go to 7-11 and buy a bottle of sake to bring to my room. Or I can get beer from the vending machine on the 4th floor (the hotel doesn`t even have a pub, and the restaurant that`s attached shuts at 10pm). But that`s fucking lame.

Brian = angry.

plans, angry, rant, core

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