The week is over. (NWS)

Dec 13, 2007 00:24

Because it just sucked soooo much.

Monday morning I get a phone call from Credit Medical, about the credit application I made for $1000 towards the eye surgery. They tell me that they can't give me credit unless I have a co-signer (that would be a guarantor to the big kids in the audience). I tell them that there's no way I can get a co-signer. They close the application.

Monday was also the day I had my math exam. That's been extensively covered already, so I'll leave it alone.

I went out to Kimono with Aya that evening, so that was good. Pissing away $70 there, however, was not. (add that to the $210 I spent on Saturday)

Tuesday, I talk to my brother. He agrees to be a co-signer, so I call Credit Medical and leave a voicemail. After 4 hours or so, I refilled out the application online and sent it in again, mentioning that I have got myself a co-signer. Otherwise, the application is identical to the first.

Tuesday is largely uneventful. Bar going to Earls and spending $50.

Wednesday. I got a call from Credit Medical.

"I have a co-signer!" I happily exclaim.
"Oh, ok. Well, that doesn't matter, your income is too low for credit" they merrily reply..
"Fuck you, asshole, why the hell was it even brought up on the last phone call, you human shaped pile of monkey feces?"
"I don't know sir. Good bye."

I spent $30 on food and beer prior to my English final. Sobriety is not a necessity for my English final, as it's only two 500 word essays.

My English course this semester was a Survey of Narrative film, starting from the beginning of film in 1890 or so, up to now . We have a class once a week comprised of an hour's lecture and a film, starting with silents and progressing through the decades (and around the world) until we hit Pan's Labyrinth. Films included are Taxi Driver, Citizen Kane, Battleship Potempkin, Caligula, etc.

The second question is a piece of cake.

The first question asks us to explain how Dead Ringers (one of the movies we saw) is 'a quintessential Canadian movie, with reference to funding, the "twin solitudes" of English and French society blah blah blah....' [I'm writing this from memory, so it's not ver batim].

My response to that was a 150 word essay that, essentially, said "what the FUCK??????". (I dressed it up in big words, like 'ephemeral' and 'nebulous')

This wasn't exactly a core focus of the course. Sure, we studied Dead Ringers (the single Canadian film on the course). And the question of Canadian national identity came up. And I largely disagreed with consensus that the Canadian national identity is based on a lack of national identity, as it presupposes that all other nations have a single, unified and coherent national identity. Which they don't. The only really unique thing about Canada is that it thinks that everyone else has this identity thing going on. No-one else thinks that, and no-one else cares......

Anywho. I was bummed out.

Then I got home, and got the mail from work saying that the advance I asked for (last week, in case I didn't get the Credit) was denied because lots of people asked for an advance, and if they gave one to me, they'd have to give one to everyone.

I decided not to point out the fallacies in her email, and just let it go.

So... Eye surgery is a bust, at least until January.

No, wait, I have school in January.

Ok, so I guess it'll have to wait til April. Or something.

This week sucks.....

On the upside, in addition to the crappy email from work I got an email from the English prof at 8.37 (like 7 minutes after the exam ended. She must have *run* to her computer.... :P). She simply wrote that I shouldn't worry too much about the exam, and that I did fine.

Clearly, I projected my feelings quite a bit. :P

(also, the second I read that question, I immediately asked if there was an alternate final. She frequently creates two exams when she does mid-terms, to prevent cheating, I guess)

Anywho. This week has completely blown chunks, so I'm declaring it over as of right now. Tomorrow may also suck, but at least it'll be a new week.....

mathematics, english, angry, exams, food, aya, up my own.....

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