
Nov 29, 2007 09:39

I went to the consultancy yesterday.

I don't know why, but I was fully expecting them to tell me I wasn't suitable, that I couldn't have the eye surgery for reasons x, y and z. Self-worth issues? My inner Jer-Lyn cynic refusing to accept that this thing that I've wanted for a decade could actually happen *so* easily?

Every 'hum' was read as a confirmation of 'this isn't going to happen'.

I was completely shocked when the doc said "ok, so we think surgery x is the best for you". :D

Total cost is $2400.
My medical insurance (via school) will get me $300 of it back.

My surgery is scheduled for the 22nd of December, and I've informed work that I won't be available from the 22nd to the 24th. I think that it's a little optimistic to be going to work on the 25th, but how-and-ever.... I'll worry about that then.

Still waiting for the other shoe to drop.... :P

[My favourite part was her incredulity that I didn't know how much I weighed.

"You don't know?"
"Even roughly?"
"Nope, not really. I mean, I was 260lbs or so in March..."
(She starts writing that down...)
"...But I've lost over 4" from my waist since that point."
*she sighs*
"But I'm definitely 'more than 200lbs', I reckon" :P ]

sheer awesomeness, health

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