Work stuff

Oct 14, 2007 14:07

About three weeks ago, I was pretty annoyed with how work was treating me and everyone else.

At the same time, I had been given a self-evaluation to fill out for the annual review.

I'm sure that anyone who knows me can see this isn't a good combination. I mean, when I'm not in a self-righteous mood, I'm usually snippy, argumentative, sarcastic and/or hate-fueled. That particular day: I was all of the above.

So the self-evaluation was passive-aggressive, outright aggressive, rude, belligerent, contemptuous, critical of company policies, critical of management, ridiculously self-congratulatory, and can basically be summed up as the rantings of an ego-maniac.

We had to rate ourselves in 5 different areas (Communication/Teamwork, Customer Focus, Commitment to results, Technical/Professional Expertise, Initiative) out of 4. A '1' in each section would be considered to be 'competently doing the job'. I, of course, rated myself at 4 in all those categories.

My supervisor sent me his version of my evaluation today. I was a bit apprehensive.....

He rated me the same in all categories (bar a 3 in the Commitment to Results), and is fairly heavy on the positives in all sections.

I'm stunned. In a good way, I think. I mean if I was my boss, I'd be looking for a way to get rid of me, as I'm a pain in the ass. But..... bleh? Brain is broken....

Companies in Ireland did not like me. I am still acting the same way (but more so). I am befuddled.

work, sheer awesomeness, up my own.....

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