cavalry come, cavalry go, cavalry leave me alone

Sep 08, 2008 20:23

1. driving in the rain and then going under an overpass and hearing the silence for about half a second before the rain hits the car again
2. wrapping lockers ;]
3. the killllllllllllllllllls
4. al gore sex appeal. it's the best thing ever.
5. marineland not being as good as it used to be
6. tumor wales [belugas]
7. science teacher jokes. LOLLLLLLL. ie. "al g. is a fun guy! get it?"
8. "i want expensive sadness"
9. being interested in serial killers, but not in a sympathetic way... ?
10. creature comforts, the show.
11. the song, "fond farewell". again.
12. stories of carly the dumbass. god i'm glad i don't have any classes with her anymore.

today was really amazing, at least parts of it. i felt really happy which was nice for a change. and it reminded me why i love some people.
but at the same time so many people were sad because of the kid who died. i know that sounds terrible, saying "the kid who died", but i don't know how to respond to grief or how to act when something like this happens. i didn't know him and so i'm not really sad but then i end up feeling bad for being happy when people are so sad, so i get sad, but then i question myself and my integrity for being sad for basically no reason that has anything to do with me and i feel bad, like i'm just patronizing [sp?] the people who actually loved him.
because if i were his sister/friend/mother/whatever, honestly, i would be angry at people who didn't even know him crying over him. because really, what do they have to be sad about? in a week/month they'll forget about this when the sister/frind/mother/whatever has lost someone forever, and what they're experiencing is not and never will be anything close to how the sister/friend/mom/whatever is feeling about his death.

bliss, obsessions, music, school, random, profundity

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