Jan 12, 2010 12:08
“Losing Love Is Like a Window in Your Heart”
The big bang that twained us, that rattled
sashes, begat parallel universes-mine littered
with confetti of myself-yours, so star-spangled,
it scorched my eyes. Our home, not where your
heart was, yet mine cozied into our domestic mess.
Then supernatural powers churned the constellations,
stirred your heart but staid mine. In my hunkering
I forgot you’re an astronaut. The count down
lollygagged, and frustration bulged your
fuel tank. How many take-offs did you abort
before the final rising rumble? In spite
of all the tie-downs, the clasping,
the underpinning, I couldn’t moor you
in my cosmos-a loud report
and then you rocketed away. I didn’t mourn your
fiery exit, my shattering window like I did the fact
my massive love invoked no gravity.