Nov 18, 2006 23:09
So i have continued to dabble in yoga on my own but as I do I have come to realize that there are different types of yoga. Any idea on what kind of yoga I should study?
This is what I want:
-to feel good (of course)
-get into better shape (also, of course)
-improve my posture
-relieve stress
-practice meditation
What I do not want:
-anything that tells me how to eat. (I think I have a pretty good grasp of what foods make me feel good. I am NOT a vegetarian.)
-to be part of a cult.
I don't mind spinning chakras or any of that. I think there is a lot to be said for religious practices of the East. I just don't want to follow a guru or spiritual leader.
Also, my space is not very large so some poses push the limits.
So any ideas?