Nov 13, 2006 01:31
I have been meaning to start doing yoga. But each time I go to a yoga class, I end up chickening out. It is not that I am afraid of yoga. I am afraid of the people. I don't want to be in the "Oh, it looks like we have a new person" position. I don't want a warm welcome. I don't want for it to be said that the instructor sees some new faces out there. I don't want to be brought into the "fold." I want to study a little yoga in the back of the room.
So after doing this twice, I have decided that classes just are not for me. So I got a yoga DVD and a few books and I am finding my own way. So far it is great. I love yoga. I am not sure how beneficial it is as an exercise but it makes you feel so great. You move better and with greater certainty. I don't know if yoga will give me abs of steel but it makes me carry myself in a more assertive manner and I think that can be as attractive as a six pack.
I also like the idea of coming up with my own yoga routine. It makes me feel like some kind of ancient guru. Given my tendency for solitude, I think being a yogi hidden in the mountains would suit me well.
The one thing that I miss by not going to a yoga class is that I love yoga women. I love the New Agey type girl. ::sigh::
I won't get into how I feel about the Dems taking the House and Senate. I hate the Dems. Not that I love the Republicans, mind you, but they are gnats. Gnats are annoying and useless. The Dems are cockroaches. You gotta step on a cockroach.
I do think that a House and Senate of one party and a president of another is a good combination. It means the government is in conflict with itself and this is usually a good thing from my perspective.
I spent most of this weekend playing Final Fantasy 12. It is a great game so far. I am glad to have the distraction.