Title: Chuck vs. the First Night
Fandom: Chuck
Characters: Chuck/Sarah and brief appearances by other characters
Spoilers: Up to 2x21
Rating: PG-13 ish?
Summary: What happened after the last scene of 2x21.
Author's Notes: I had this story in my head and I had to get it out before the finale. All mistakes are mine as I was too impatient to post it.
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Comments 7
But I wonder if Casey is sitting next door in front of his monitors watching them. Because I guess the surveillance system in Chuck's room might still be working ... lol
I noticed that you spelled Awesome´s name as Devin most of the time. In Chuck vs. the Broken Heart it was spelled Devon on the medical chart. I just thought you might like to know, as you spelled it Devon once as well.
Anyway, thank you so much for sharing your story. I´d love to read your take on what happened after the finale as well. I hope you might write more Chuck and Sarah.
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Words On The Wind
- Jasmine
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