"Starlight" a Ten/Rose fanvid

Aug 09, 2007 10:12

Okay, this is what happened.  One of my friends sent me "Starlight" by Muse and I was struck by how Doctor/Rose it sounded.  So I went on a huge "Starlight" fanvid hunt and couldn't find exactly what I was looking for.  Whenever I listen to the song, it's the Doctor's "voice" all the way through.  But the only vids I found had it from Rose's point of view.  So...that's how my first fanvid came to be.

There are so many moments in Series 3 where it seems like the Doctor is thinking of or remembering Rose, so I incorporated them into the vid because it fit so well.  LOL, I think I managed to fit a clip from nearly every S2 episode!!  Gave me a great excuse to watch them all again!  I believe Love & Monsters is the only one I left out...

Anyway, I know that some of you are here for icons and others for fanfic.  I do hope you will try watching this vid!  You guys get to see it first.  ;)

Comments are loved and appreciated.  :o)

Song:  "Starlight" by Muse
Fandom:  Doctor Who
Characters:  Doctor (10) & Rose (plus a little Mickey & Jackie)
Spoilers for all of S3

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character: rose tyler, fanvid: doctor who, character: tenth doctor

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