I can't believe I'm at the point where I have affiliates, but it's fantastic! Anyway, here is the list of current affiliates.
tinuviel428 autumnjoy at
windsong_icons xxshebeexx at
goldenroseicons likethesun at
likestarlight gahdzuks at
timorousbeastie nicole9514 And, if you'd like to affiliate...
~I'd prefer to only affiliate with people who make icons from one of my fandoms. But my fandoms are pretty diverse so that's probably not too hard. ;) At the moment they are: Doctor Who, PotC, LotR, Stargate (SG1 & Atlantis), Fantastic Four, Lois & Clark, Firefly, Farscape, The Scarlet Pimpernel, Pride & Prejudice, and Amazing Grace. LOL, and they're growing longer day by day...
~If you have: excessive swearing, very mature content, inappropriate, or anti-Christian/anti-Christ talk in your journal please don't ask to affiliate.
~It's best if your icons were not made in Paint, a higher-quality graphics program (like Photoshop) is preferable.
~Please only ask to affiliate if you have a running list of your affiliates! What's the point of having them if you don't show them off? :)
If you'd still like to affiliate, comment to this entry and I'll add you to the list!! :o)