(no subject)

Jul 30, 2005 23:49

I just got back from my cabin. It was lovely. I drove home....not in Annie...but in my Mom's car. Its very different driving at night....but anyways.

Okay I might have mentioned this before but well Annie.....Ya know what I'm really getting sick of calling it Annie....its a freakin car....okay so my CAR is a stick shift. And I was like oh stick shift is fine no big deal right? WRONG!!! It's absolutely INSANE!!!! My Mom tried to teach me on Friday night...um yah pretty sure I totally FREAKED! I was like there is no way! No way I am ever gonna be able to do this! And what parent in their right mind would get their daughter a stick shift! Ummm yah....I was just a tad bit upset. Now I ask you all to take a moment out of your busy day right now and thank God for automatic transmission...it really is a blessing....too bad I'm not blessed! But anyways I chilled and now I am all good and ready and waiting to learn how to drive this STUPID car! Pod says that he will take me to an empty parking lot and I will learn in 10 minutes. Pshh yah like thats gonna happen.

Oh and another car thing. I practiced parallel parking tonight. And I did really good. I suspected that I would be absolutely horrible...but its really not that hard..now we'll just see how I do on the actual test....that will be interesting....excuse me as i throw up...hmmm why is it that I always do this.........I mean who else does these...........sorry random thought I'm done now.

OMG!! I caught a fish! Hehehe. It was at like 9 o'clock tonight and me and chica were on the dock with our feet in the water la di da di da and chica's like "Theres a bunch of fish below my feet!" And I'm like yah right your scaring them away. But so I decided that I would grab a fishing pole and see if I could catch one. So I get the fishing pole from the boat and I cast it out and sure enough I caught a Bluegill! Yah but then I couldn't get it off the hook so Stephanie had to go get my Pod and he came down and OF COURSE he gets the little bugger off in like one second...but I think it lived...the poor thing I put it in the water so it could breathe while my Pod was coming down. But its mouth was a little bit err...torn. The poor little Bluegill...it was a tiny little thing...but its still a fish...that I caught...and attempted to free...but Pod had to...so thats gotta count for something right?

Oh and me and Kid err chica went swimming earlier today and she left me out to get eaten by the shark! I dont know whats wrong with me...but I just have this fear whenever I'm alone in the water that a shark is gonna come and bite me....like in Jaws! And I've heard stories of people being attacked in rivers and stuff....ugh...look I know its not possible for a shark to be in my lake...but idk I'm weird. Anyways she was trying to freak me out by saying that she felt something underneath her. And I tried to trick her by swimming under her raft and bumping it...but that didn't work so well cuz I didn't go deep enough and she saw me coming....yah I gotta work on my swimming skills...but yah luckily I didn't get eaten by the shark.

I'm off to bed, I'm exhausted.

Much love and No worries~Beth
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