early rising. TOO early.

Dec 27, 2003 06:25

christ almighty.

im so tired. but i cant go back to sleep because my dog is acting weird i want to make sure shes ok.

and because i love my cat and he is keeping me company. i wont be able to sleep anyways.

so meg jen hannah and me played mario party until 2 30 ish? then we went to bed. or tried.

its my night to have maggie sleep in my room. and i tried everything! she wouldnt fucking stop barking.

ahhh. and i couldnt sleep, while hannah and jen slept soundly. and so maggie took a break of barking continuously at 4 00 am. i was relieved, and fell asleep. but not for long.

then i woke up at 6 00 am to maggie barking. and i figured i should let her outside. when we got back inside i gave her the medicine she takes and gave her some water. hoping it would satisfy her. but obviously it didnt

so she cried and whined and blah blah when i took her back to my room. so i took her downstairs, and figured i should stay up with her until the others wake up. i got a grand total of... 2 hours of sleep. goddammit. insomniaaaa. i need to take a nap today.

write later, when im rested.

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