Aug 06, 2011 15:58
FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK. I think our A/C is broken as it's about 10 degrees warmer in here than the A/C is set to, making it damn near as hot as outside. The air doesn't feel cool from the vents, but it's running which is a good thing... maybe. Best case scenario is an expensive freon refill, worst case is a super-expensive replacement of the unit. It's a fairly new unit though so I think maybe just recharging it will be an option. WE CANNOT AFFORD THIS FUCKERY. It's going to be a couple hundred bucks. WHY, OH WHY, WHEN ONE DOES NOT HAVE MONEY DOES EVERYTHING BREAK?!
Also I need to get my CiJ gifts to my GoS and S2S santees but it's going to have to wait till the damn middle of the night so I don't overheat the video card getting pics and thus having to replace my video card. Which I also cannot afford.
i has a rage,