There are occasionally BPAL "fairies", people who choose to hold little mini-contests that range from "pick-a-number" to any kind of odd little task the person can dream up, to reward the winner with rare imps/decants/bottles of scents. There are a TON right now because of some drama with a potential swaplifter, but often someone will decide to just brighten a random person's day. Well one such fairy is giving a bottle of Velvet Tiki, one of my serious wants, to whomever can draw the best unicorn in MSPaint as judged by a panel of fellow BPALers. I was rather intimidated by
katu's awesome entry but she strongarmed me into entering too. Plus... UNICORNS! AND TIKI! And I was kind of curious to see what I could produce in MSPaint.
So here's my little unicorn and her tiki mask :3 Considering I had no benefit of layers, limited usage of undo, and pretty much limited everything, I'm fairly happy with kawaii unicorn here. And I love the mask.
I've already decided if I win, firstly I will send a brimming decant to
katu and then I will, in turn, start my own fairy giveaway ^_^