Tag, you're it!

Jan 28, 2010 23:22

Since a whole bunch of people tagged me, I guess I'll do it XD

A. List ten habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
B. Tag ten people to do the same. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag "whoever wants to do it." And if I tag you, you're obliged to go through with this.

1.  I hate ketchup.  HATE.  DETEST.  Yuck.

2.  I originally went to college for Operatic Vocal Performance.  Ayup.

3.  In addition to Sims, I play World of Warcraft religiously and am an officer in my guild.  In fact, I was one of the founding officers 4 years ago.  We're one of the oldest guilds on one of the original servers.

4.  I cannot snap my fingers.  I don't know why.

5.  I CAN roll my tongue though.

6.  I have those awesome kind of hazel eyes that look like they change color.  Mine have a ring of gold in the center and they change from bright green to grey to golden green.

7.  I obsessively make lists.  And usually promptly lose them.  Thank god for online wishlists, yo.

8.  My chat friends know this but I am phobically TERRIFIED of spiders.  I'm too afraid of them to kill them 99% of the time.  DNW SPIDERS.

9.  I've been cross-stitching since high-school, or younger probably.  That's about the only crafty thing I can do with any success.  I can't sew very well and I never had the chance to learn to crochet or knit from my mom.

10.  I can speak/understand French.  I'm rusty, but I can still understand it most of the time.  I can ask for the bathroom and that sort of thing.  I was really quite good at one point, I was offered a summer abroad for an immersive experience living with a French family but I ended up having surgery instead.  Joy :\


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