So today I got my septum pierced, my wrist tattooed with my Steffi Star™, new kitty picked out, and my hair cut.
ended up getting my septum done at a 16g with a titanium retainer, it basically looks like a staple and has been dubbed "nose fangs" by Rachel XD It hurt a lot less than my nostril and stopped hurting almost immediately whereas my nostril hurt like fuck for several days afterward and required months of sea salt soaks to calm down. This should take around 8 weeks to heal vs 6 months for the nostril. Stupid cartilage piercings take FOREVER to heal. I also love my piercer to death. She's doing anything further I have done. She's AWESOME. Septums are tricky and mine is ridiculously straight. They often end up crooked due to basically being a blind piercing and/or swelling after being pierced. Mine appears slightly crooked in pictures only because my face is crooked. The piercing itself is PERFECT.
The guy that did my wrist tattoo is also a new favorite. The one who did my foot opened his own shop and I considered going to him but chose to have a new artist do my wrist because I wanted to get the piercing and tattoo done at the same time for convenience. I AM SO GLAD I DID. This guy is FAWESOME. His art is amazing, his tattoos are brilliant. My husband and I were admiring his forearm tattoos on his left arm and asked about them. It turns out HE did them. I was blown away. The linework was delicate and perfectly straight and the rest was ink/bloodspots that were done without any black linework and wow. He had some other examples of work he's done with no black linework, flowers and such, and ARMAGADS SO PRETTY. It doesn't fit with my artwork but augh, amazing. I was sort of babbling about my sleeve planning and he got all excited about a black and grey flower sleeve, which is what I want so now I want him to do it. If the artist gets excited about the potential for that sort of work, that is who I want doing it.
Then we headed to the Humane Society to check out the Katu-nosed kitten I wanted and generally check out the kittens, keeping our options open for whichever would be the best fit. Turns out epic kitten is very shy and terrified of people and is definitely not going to be a good fit for us. If we scare, our other 7 beasties will terrify her. But it was not a loss! A little black kitten in the same cage of all places went crazy and kept reaching out the bars and yowling so we patted it and cooed and generally told her how adorable she was. We tried to walk down the hall to look at the other cats and she went NUTS howling and crying and reaching out the cage. She climbed the bars like a monkey and snagged my sweater until I came back XD So we had the staff take her to one of the rooms so we could play with her and she is PERFECT for us. 6 months old, active, playful, curious, affectionate, cuddly. I fell in love pretty much right away and so did my husband. So we put in the application for her after we checked out the other cats. There were a couple more we were interested in but Lenore (yes we already named her) won our hearts pretty hard. So fingers crossed they approve us and we can get her this week!
Katu-nosed kitty
AND THEN I got my hair cut in a shag with some long side bangs so I could just scrunch it instead of throwing it in a ponytail or having it poof like a mofo or frizzing when I straighten it. Or spending an hour with the straightening iron. Now it's all curly and blood red from the dye. All I need is a new pair of glasses which I will be getting in a week or so and I'm a NEW DAMN WOMAN.