Reactions in Various Fandoms

Sep 12, 2011 10:54

It was a busy weekend, fandom wise. I'm now caught up on Doctor Who (two weeks worth of episodes), Torchwood, and True Blood. Torchwood is done and we don't know if there's a future, True Blood is done for the season. Well at least fall shows are returning soon (Castle and Glee, yay!)

Doctor Who: The "Why are children's voices so creepy?" edition
- Wait, aren't those the Powell Estates???
- Alien foster kid? What?
- Okay, Mel and I spent a good chunk of the evening after watching playing "creepy wooden doll" and chasing each other. Let me tell you, "We just want to play" and that song? JUST as creepy coming out of my nine-year-old daughter.

Doctor Who: The "Amy is waiting AGAIN???" edition
- I've seen these gardens before. Spot-the-reused-set is becoming way too standard a game on these shows. XD
- Robot Rory!
- REAL Rory. You have grown on me and I love you so much.
- Dang, Amy looks good for her age
- About the Doctor closing the TARDIS door...saw something floating on Tumblr that hit the nail on the head. Something to the effect of every time you want to hate the Doctor for a decision he's made, you remember that the person who hates him the most is himself.

Torchwood Miracle Day: The "STOP FUCKING WITH MY CANONS" edition
- ESTHER! NO. :(
- I STILL don't get the Blessing.
- PC Andy! Why so wonderful? *sniffle* You are such a good person.
- Rhys. <3
- OhmygodOswaldyouaresowrongstayingtruetowhoyouarebye.
- Jack's blood. I still have SO many issues here. His blood is not special by itself. I mean, think about it, Torchwood TOTALLY would have researched that over the years. And as I've seen brought up, what about John Hart getting Jack's blood. Or any of Jack's kids. I mean, if it's in the blood, it's in the DNA, right?
- Jack's blood + The Blessing + REX. Okay, next con, if GDL has watched this, I want his reaction. Because it's going to be lovely and full of swearing. XD Besides that, NO. Again, EVEN if you say it's not just Jack's blood, but the fact that Rex was connected through the polarity whatever to Jack when the Blessing reset the template, it still hinges on the blood, and there CAN'T be two of Jack, he can't pass it on, he's just a FACT, you're fucking with what Rose Tyler did, and of ALL people to end up like Jack, WHY THE FUCK THIS GUY???
- Jack's face was priceless, though.
- I STILL want more Jack backstory. Just a whole webseries or set of comics or books that talk about Jack's life - Time Agency, Torchwood, relationships.

True Blood: The "I keep thinking this show can't keep shocking me" edition
- So we have to wait to find out what the hell is up with this fairy that screwed the sheriff, and Terry's war buddy. Fine.
- Not Jesus! *cries*
- Did anyone else get a little...warm...when Eric and Bill were shirtless and chained together? I mean, I would have preferred them facing each other. And really, I just want Eric. Bill doesn't do much for me. But gay vampire action would work for me still.
- Wait, so did their spell bring back EVERYONE???
- Hey look, sex! I'm so surprised there is sex on this show. Not.
- Now why couldn't that HOT feeding scene have led to threesome sex? I agree with Pam. FUCKING SOOKIE. TAKE THEM BOTH.
- Wait, when did Pastor what's-his-face become a vampire?
- Tara can't on...
- We spent the last, what, 7 minutes? with our hands over our mouths, letting out progressively louder gasps of shock. And my roommate is currently wearing a heart monitor. I bet they're looking at the data today and worrying she had some sort of episode last night.

fandom ate my brain

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