Royal Wedding

Apr 29, 2011 08:22

I slept for a few hours last night, and at 2:30 a.m. Pacific Time my alarm went off, I woke up the household, and the three of us (Jess, the kidlet, and myself) all piled into one bed in our pajamas to watch the wedding. We turned it on just as Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie arrived (OMG, WTF WERE THEY WEARING???), and therefore got to see the Queen & Prince Phillip arrive shortly thereafter. I thought the Queen looked very nice in her bright, springy yellow ensemble.

I admit, we got silly when we saw the black Range Rover behind Kate's car.

Oh, Prince Harry! I guess I haven't seen a picture in a while...he looks like quite the scamp, doesn't he? And he was adorable after the wedding, on the ride to Buckingham Palace with several of the little bridesmaids and page boys.

Kate's dress! And flowers! So classic, elegant, vintage looking, understated, and PERFECT. I love the tiara she chose to wear, and the small bouquet was lovely. I was amused at the fact that the broadcasters were saying "Kate Kate Kate" leading up and all through the ceremony, and then the second it was done, it was all "Princess Catherine". I understand that it was out of respect, but it still struck me as funny.

Also funny was the fact we were watching a U.S. news station for the coverage, so it was an American reporter and then a few British correspondents/consultants. And the American kept saying things or asking things, and you could just HEAR the aggravation/irritation in the voices of the Brits when they'd have to correct or explain. Like..."Don't you know ANYTHING?".

I liked the moments we caught where William and Kate were sharing looks at each other, or whispering to each other. They do seem happy. :)

The service was beautiful, full of pomp but not horribly overdone, and the sermon/message was really nicely contemporary and real, if that makes sense.

Mel went back to bed as soon as the couple exited the church, I managed to last through the parade back to Buckingham Palace before passing out. I wanted to make it to the balcony kiss, but it just didn't happen.

All in all, I am glad I got up for it, and I'm glad Mel will remember it. And maybe someday we'll get to do this again for Harry. :)

randomness is random

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