
Apr 21, 2010 10:23

First off, to all my fellow admins, Happy Admin Appreciation Day! I know how hard you slave away, and I appreciate you. Remember, you're really the ones running the office. :)

While I'm not usually much of a fan of these Hallmark-holidays that have been created, as one of the many down-trodden, over-worked, under-appreciated admins, it's nice to be recognized as the reason your office functions once in a while. :) I got fresh press coffee and baked goods from one boss for breakfast, and I get lunch with my TopBoss and HER Boss. The whole team of managers gave each of the admins a little gift bag, which included a potted plant, a box of bubble gum, and a package of glow sticks. I...have no idea. But the card attached had some nice sentiments.

Argh. So Melissa has gotten really...well, lazy lately. Just leaving stuff lying around wherever. Whining if we ask her to walk two steps to do something like feed the cat. Slacking on her schoolwork. All SO not like her. Then, last night, she had dress rehearsal for her current ballet production. During downtimes in rehearsal, she apparently ignored her unfinished homework and played her DS. Needless to say, she has temporarily lost the DS privileges. So we got home at 9:30pm, and I had her sit down and finish her homework, then she had to re-do the homework she HAD done earlier because she didn't read the instructions and had therefore done half of it wrong. And she got a science test back from her teacher with the lowest score I have ever seen from her. My kid, who ALWAYS has 90-100%, had scored a 69%. I was not even aware they were having a test, though she swears she studied hard and was very upset by the score and the fact that the teacher said "You didn't study". So we had a long long discussion about responsibility, reading carefully, making wise use of our time, telling me about what's going on at school when I ask, etc. And I reminded her that things like dance are a privilege, which can be removed if her grades/habit are suffering. Ugh. Hopefully it will get better from here.

Tonight while the kid dances two shows, and the spouse works as a volunteer (I'm scheduled for tomorrow), I'll take advantage of the empty house to do the rest of MY homework for the week, and get cracking on typing up my term paper. Doesn't that sound fun? But I'm being a good example of school responsibility for my kid. I hope.

(OHMYGOSH, that reminds me! K has officially finished his Bachelors program!!! AND, as of May 1, will be a Masters student as well!)

parenting, administrative goddess, call me master

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