So last night after Madeleines, monica and i decided that we should go to walmart to purchase our bandanas for our ROPA USADA EXCURSION!!!
I'm glad that today was totally fun! It would be funner if I could sleep in instead of going to driver's ed. Pinche drivers ed.
Monica pulled up to my house at about 10:30 ish this morning so we could head off to McAllen. We were waiting outside Marisa's house while she got her ice chest, so we picture posed.
Then, marisa got into the car and we headed off to mcallen! When we arrived it was so much fun. we stopped at chikfila, and then headed off to LA ROPA USADA!
Now if you've never been in a ropa looks like this:
MOUNDS AND MOUNDS OF CLOTHES! So this la ropa usada is Tres Dimensiones. We began our hunt and Monica started looking right away.
Marisa wanted to look at the shoes instead.
And well, I was so confused, I had no clue where to look!
After about a good hour of hunting and some good finds, we all decided that a break was in order.
I was hella tired, but we continued! So then we decided to stop and go to the one next door. BIG MISTAKE. NEVER GO TO MOONRISE LA ROPA USADA!!!!!
After that, I was hella thirsty and needed something to drink. Again.
Anyway, we went back to La Ropa usada after a lot more adventures. IT was soo fun! I got some nice things, and I found Cody a cloak for the harry potter movie. I'm out for pinche drivers ed. :(