Nov 07, 2004 19:57
hehe ive decided to try and add a little of the dialect from a clockwork orange into my vocablulary, pretty choodessney eh? yesterday on the tv show lost they said one of the funniest things ever. dominic monoghan (plays merry in lord of the rings) plays this guy named charlie (one of charlies many clones) whos in a band called driveshaft. the premis of the show is a group of people are stranded on a desert island and they all have wierd backstories. well the guy charlie is getting chased by a wild boar and his voiceover says "bless me father for i have sinned" and they showa flashback of him in a confession box thing and hes talking to the preist so here ya go...
charlie: bless me father for i have sinned, my last confession was 2 weeks ago.
priest: go ahead
charlie: last night...i...had....physical relations with a girl i didnt even know
priest: is that all?
charlie: no....then...right after...i had.... relations with a totally different girl
priest: is that all?
charlie:no.... then...i....watched them........have.....physical relations with.......each other.
hehe best thing to tell a priest ever.