Order to Ban Recreational Mineral Collection 690-006-2010

Apr 27, 2010 13:48

Ok Folks it's time to act! I'm adding to P0lecat entry with some information on contacts and the emails I personally wrote. Here is the letter I got from our Motherlode Goldhound's Club President:

Hello Goldhounds, to say I'm furious is an understatement. The e-mail address I gave you below for Mike Lynch was wrong. My message came back, like yours may have. Here's what happened:
Last Friday I went down to the State Parks in Auburn to see if I could meet with Mike. He was out and the gal at the desk, whom I've seen there many times in the past, gave me the e-mail address for Mike Lynch. I'm cautious about these things so I ask her to write it down for me. She did. I also ask her for the e-mail address for Ruth Coleman, the Director of State Parks. She wrote that down for me too. Guess what? Both were wrong. I just went down there today to set up a meeting with Mike and found out he took this entire week as vacation.....There was another gal there and I showed her the written e-mails from the other attendant, and she said "Oh, those are wrong". She made the corrections on the sheet for me.......
So here we go:
Mike Lynch, Manager of the Auburn Recreation area: mlync@parks.ca.gov
Scott Nakaji, District Supt, Gold Fields District: snakaji@parks.ca.gov
Ruth Coleman, Director of Ca State Parks: rcoleman@parks.ca.gov

Here is the email I wrote and just changed the name and email address on each additional letter: Subject Mining Order 690-006-2010 Recreational Mining Collection March 29, 2010

Dear Mike Lynch,

It has come to my attention that there is an order to close off the Auburn State Recreation mining dated March 29, 2010. I’d like to know your thoughts on this and why it has come about? Last year we lost suction dredging and now the Auburn State Recreation Area. Do you realize how much $$ we’re losing because of this action? Do you realize how many folks you’re hurting?

I’m a proud “Motherlode Goldhound member and I don’t understand what is going on to make it impossible to utilize and work these areas for recreation. Our group (as well as many miners) have gone in and cleaned up so many of these areas that have been trashed from people (other than miners); I’d think you’d love for us to be around and keep a watchful eye out for OUR lovely lands and pristine areas such as these that are being closed off. This order is taking away exactly what put California on the map; gold mining.

Miners of today are so much more cautious and respectful of our lovely lands than any predecessors before us; I’d think this would make things better for us as recreational users. Do you realize how much money is being lost because of these acts to close off our lands? It takes away jobs from mining companies that cannot sell dredges, mining equipment and thus there is a loss to the state of California in sales being down; losses of jobs. I wonder if anyone looks at this.

I’ve been a member of our club for 10 years now and have seen so much good come out of every area we go into and only to be driven out by a few bad apples. This is NOT the answer closing us off and out (exactly what hands & pans will do); it really hurts more folks than you realize. Some people are true miners and make their (hard earned) living at mining; just the way folks came to CA for the gold rush. It’s very hard work but a family can really enjoy being together and having a wonderful time and experience. Do you think it’s a good idea to take this type of “family” recreation away?

I hope you’ll reconsider closing off our “PUBLIC” lands and bring back dredging as it’s been proven that dredging is “GOOD” for our environment. It seems no matter how hard a person/miner tries we keep getting slapped in the face with these types of orders/issues.

I hope in closing you’ll reconsider and keep me informed of your thoughts/decisions.


I encourage anyone who reads this post to PLEASE act on it and write letters/emails and try and get it reversed before it happens. Thanks for taking the time to read my lj post.

Peace & Love ~Brikarjo~
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