Mar 30, 2008 13:54
uhm hai2u
i guess i haven't posted lately...thought maybe i should
i decided to work at a long term care facility...i cook for old people now...something that i always hated to do but in this situation really isn't all that bad...i have one menu item and several hours to prepare it along with several DEADLINES that make me very happy (i've come to find out that i'm obsurdly neurotically happy when it comes to deadlines)...i work with a bunch of older ladies who actually come to work and are fairly's nice :)
i'm still getting used to this location...i have no idea where the mall is, the post office, or most things for that matter, but i did get a discount card for the local grocery store...tiny steps
and i still need to get a new driver's licence...but i also don't know where the dmv is
and now that i've become a "get up out of bed because there's things you could be doing" kind of person...i think i'm gonna go get dressed and roam a bit...maybe roll boyfriend out of bed while i do it