Sanity... yer doin it wrong

Apr 03, 2009 13:54

Yeah, so maybe I'm a little late with this, but I went in search of canon-Wincest-slash wank (because I'm weird like that), and I found this.

Now, the OP has either been deleted or Flocked, so you can't see the post that started it all in its entirety, but there's more than enough of it reproduced in the F_W comments that you can figure out what was said.

Now, here's my two cents...

If I were either one of these two men, and if I saw this? This past weekend would be/have been the last convention I ever did. Period.

Seriously. There is absolutely no way that whatever they get paid to attend is worth any of the shit that they have to put up with. Not no way, not no how.

Fandom (and I will include myself in this, since I am obviously a fangirl):

Just who the fuck do you think you are? How fucking important do you believe you actually are?

Do you just not get that they are people, real people, and not your personal fucking property?

Do you not understand that Jared Padalecki has a right to put pictures of his pets/family/self up on his Facebook account, for his real, actual, true-life friends to see without you fucking stealing them and spreading them around the net?

Do you not understand that Jensen Ackles has a right to have a girlfriend of his own choosing and to take her anywhere he damn well pleases, even if the reminder of his actual real life harshes your stupid God damned squee?

Do you not understand that Misha Collins has a right to be mildly interested in the concept of fan fiction without having a compilation of it - complete with RPS starring him - shoved under his nose?

Seriously, people... stop and think about what you're doing! Because if you can't see, I mean seriously and truly cannot see that you have crossed a huge honkin' line in the sand when you do this shit, then you need help.

What would you do if you were at work and someone told your boss to throw your husband/boyfriend/SO out of the building so they could better fantasize about you? What would you do if someone hacked your Facebook account and started throwing your personal photos around like they owned them? What would you do if someone handed you a "book" full of stories about you fucking anyone/everyone the writers could possibly imagine?

Stop it! Just... come on...

Just fucking stop.

rant: fandom, fandom: supernatural

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