I really need to check my Friends Page more often.
azonia tagged me and I didn't even know it. Okay, so here we go... Meme tag.
1. Favorite scent: fresh cut grass (which is a really stupid favorite smell to have when you have allergies and asthma, btw)
2. Favorite way to relax: writing
3. Favorite movie you own: Star Wars (the classic trilogy... you know, the good ones, before they got "remastered" and screwed up)
4. Favorite movie you don't already own: Hitch
5. Favorite male movie star: Will Smith (oh, what? He's hot!) and Harrison Ford (and so is he)
6. Favorite female movie star: Katherine Hepburn and Bette Davis
7. Favorite book genre: Science Fiction/Fantasy
8. Favorite clothing store: um... Colonel Days? (Do those even exist any more?)
9. Favorite non-clothing store: Circuit City (love the Geek Patrol)
10. Favorite cartoon character: Ryoko! (and don't you dare ask who she is, or I'll have to use my demon jewels and turn my trusty pet cabbit into a space ship to smite you :)
11. Favorite CD you own: A Kind of Magic by Queen
12. Favorite CD you don't already own: Joe's Garage by Frank Zappa (yes, it's dirty and nasty and weird... but that's what makes it so GOOD!)
13. Pass the torch to 5 of your LJ friends: Okay... I warned three of you...
suebsg9, and